
Growing up watching Japanese cosmic and animations,  ReGi is passionate towards Japanese comic and animations and attempting to imitate that into her illustrations. Her characters retain animations’ signature thin lined, girlish big eyes figures in colour tones with high transparency. Several successful attempts were made to engage in western cartoon drawing styles employing solid tones, thick lined, rounder figures to adapt to various storylines & target audiences.

自少深受日本動漫的薰陶下,ReGi 對動漫的熱愛充份反映於她的作畫風格上。ReGi 筆下的角色大都沿用幼線條、大眼晴的少女風格,配以透明度高的色彩。

但隨著經驗的增長,ReGi 亦不斷努力跳出自己既有的框框,嘗試更鮮明色調、以較粗及較圓的線條去營造西方流行畫風,迎合不同市場。

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